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Enjoy a delicious and convenient lunch during weekdays at our hotel. Whether you're here for business or leisure, our weekday lunch options are designed to provide a satisfying meal to keep you energized throughout the day.
Ajalle 3.2-8.2
Lounas 12,70 € / Eläkeläiset 11,70 €
Härkäruukku M, G
Hapanimelä kanaa kasviksilla M, G
Riisi M, G
Kasviswokki L, G
Luumurahka L, G (M, G)
Thaimaalainen maustettu kanakeitto M, G
Nakkikastike L, G
Muusi L, G
Kalapuikot M
Sitruuna-tilli kermaviilikastike L, G
Harlekiinikasvikset M, G
Kinuskiwienerit L
Borssikeitto Naudanlihalla M, G Smetana L, G
Nyhtöpossu M, G
Kermaperunat L, G
Lohkoperunat M, G
Kermainen lohipasta L
Kasvisgratiini L, G
Marjakiisseli M, G ja vaniljakastike L, G
Hernekeitto M, G
Jauhelihalasagne L
Ranskalaiset M, G
Hunajainen kanafilesuikalekastike L, G
Maissi M, G
Hedelmäkermakakkua L
Kermainen lohikeitto L, G
Porsaan suikalepata pippurikermakastikkeella L, G
Kokoperunat M, G
Punajuuri-aurajuustopaistos L, G
Maissipaneroidut kanan paistipalat & lime aioli M, G
Murupiirakka L (M, G)
Pizzapuffa klo 18-21 15€/hlö
Lauantai 8.2
IllallisBuffa klo 18-21 15€/hlö
Runsas salaattipöytä
Whiskey BBQ nyhtöpossua
Talon lihapullat
Ravintolan anniskeluaika MA-PE klo 9.00 – 21.30 Noutopöytä arkisin klo 10.30 – 14.00 Noutopöydän hinta 12,70 € / eläkeläiset 11,70 € / lapset alle 4-vuotiaat ilmaiseksi / 4-12 v. 8,90 € Lounas sisältää runsaan salaattipöydän, perinteiset ruokajuomat, leivät levitteineen sekä kahvin tai teen. Kotipakettitilaukset voi tehdä soittamalla numeroon 010 3214 580 Ruokalistaan voi tulla muutoksia. À la carte tilaukset MA-TO 20.00 mennessä, PE 21.00 mennessä Ravintola avoinna LAUANTAISIN klo 16-22 (tilaukset 21.00 mennessä).
We reserve the right to change the menu.
Hotel Puustelli Nivala features modern meeting facilities with room for 80, 30 or 25 people. In addition to standard meeting equipment, we also have video projector.Our restaurant caters and organises many types of events such as weddings, memorial services and Christmas parties for up to 140 people.All 32 rooms can be turned into triple rooms with extra beds, which brings our total accommodation capacity up to 100 people at a time. All rooms feature fast wifi free of charge.Questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch: we would be happy to tell you more.
Engage in an exciting game of billiards and showcase your skills by challenging your friends or family. Our high-quality billiard table is available for all our guests to use freely.In our lobby, you'll also find several dartboards. Grab the darts and test your accuracy or challenge your roommate to a friendly match.Our atmospheric and cozy sauna area offers the perfect place for relaxation and togetherness. Sit comfortably by the fireplace, enjoy the warmth of the sauna, and create unforgettable moments with your loved ones.